Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The Light At The End of The Tunnel

This thought of mine is in continuation of my last blog where I thought to explore the reason behind the misery of lost love. Why is it that the relationships which started on a note of never ending and long lasting friendships – where so much of pleasure was expected – ends in extreme displeasure and a lasting impression of hurt? Is it our expectations which arise out of attachment?
True. Attachment is the root cause of all our expectations. When someone loves a person, whether that person is a friend, a relative, spouse or child, it is natural to feel our right on that person even if it is not given to us officially. Human nature is such that when we give something to someone, even if it is love, respect, care, we want all these things back in return and when we don’t get it, we get disturbed, depressed and heartbroken. People think that they can win the world with their love, but it is not always the case. Everyone’s perception of understanding and perceiving things are very different. Everyone has their own logic and every one of them is right as per their own mental & social upbringing.
To my understanding, human life is like a whirlpool. It brings happiness as well as pain and suffering because of these attachments knowingly or unknowingly. Though we all grew up with the saying, “Expectation is the root cause of all our sufferings,” we still expect something in return. When one is in love they idealize the other person and thus have high expectations from them, but in the end, it is not possible for that person to live up to our expectations. If one can limit their expectations, they can save themselves from the horror and terror of it. Most of the time our expectations in any kind of relationship is very high, sometimes it can be impractical and illogical. In spite of its illogicality & impracticality, it causes pain if it is not met.
This realization of pain actually starts the quest for peace. What should we all do to overcome our suffering? Once we know the cause of our suffering, which is because of our attachment with worldly objects – be it a person or thing, we start looking for a way out. And then comes, the revelation that the only way to peace is to look within and try to listen to our inner self. At least that effort of looking within will start the process of freedom from pain.
Spiritual knowledge is the only thing that can destroy everyone’s misery forever. This cannot be achieved only by reading books or listening to different philosophies. It also needs to be experienced and comes from within. As we all know that Life is a teacher and it teaches us its lessons time to time. It depends on us how we take it. The world is a grand moral gymnasium wherein we all have to take part so as to become stronger and stronger spiritually. I am not saying it is an easy task to do. To attain this detachment is almost a life-work, but as soon as we have reached this point, we have attained the goal of love and thus become free.
All of us become very much attached to the fruits of our action. If our only motivation to do something is to gain pleasure out of it, we are bound to be unhappy because we are not always going to get what we want. That is why Lord Krishna Says to Arjuna,

"कर्मण्ये वाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचना , मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते संगोस्त्वकर्मानी !"(Karmanye Vadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana, Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey sangostvakarmani)
“To work we have the right, but not to the fruits thereof". Leave the fruits alone. Why care for results? If you wish to help a man, never think what that man's attitude should be towards you. If you want to do a great or good work, do not trouble to think what the result will be.

"When you give something to someone expect nothing. Be grateful to the man you help. If we are really unattached, we should escape all this pain of vain expectations, and should cheerfully do good work in the world.. With love there is no painful reaction; love only brings a reaction of bliss; if it does not, it is not love; it is mistaking something else for love. "-Swami Vivekananda

Just think of Meera, how madly she was in love with God. If we all could simply show the same madness for God which we show for our beloved, we would be much more peaceful. Rev. Prabhupaadji expressed similar views while writing his Preface for Bhagwad Gita.

Keeping no expectations in mind, if one works in life, then maybe he or she will be able to handle the complexities of life and thus remain happy. We all have to do our share of penance alone in order to understand the purpose of life. These four lines are for those who have understood the gist of love,
"शिकवों के वर्क छूट गए, चाहों के ढलती कब्रों पर,
अवशेष नहीं, कुछ बाकी ; हर जलना तो होता एकाकी ."


  1. Hi Mom!

    It's definitely true that pain and suffering comes from attachment and expectations, but it is true that happiness and pleasure is gained from the same attachment and expectations. I think it all depends on the type of attachment, or the extent of expectations you have from any one person. All attachments and expectations should be realistic - key word... "realistic". It's all good to say "be detached" and as a result dont associate yourself with pain, but in the end in a normal person's everyday life these things are unavoidable. The true test for people who want to obtain happiness and pleasure in my opinion is to gain happiness and excitement from those who you are attached to and love. And as far as loving God goes to obtain happiness, I heard somewhere (not sure where? :P) to love God, is to love the creation around him, and not simply the idol or thought of him. What say you mumma? :P


    ps. good job on the blogs! very few people have both the thoughts and ability to create one, and at the same time keep interesting topics going! :D

  2. Hi Mom,

    Newton said that every force in the universe has an equal and opposite reaction. Everything that gives pleasure has the ability to give us pain as well. One need not live in fear of attachment, as it is something that we naturally exhibit. To think that one can get pleasure all their life without experiencing pain is foolish. If one realizes this fact then they can understand that experiencing both aspects of life can only make them wiser.

    Life is a mystery. You never know what you can come across.One should be strong and positive. And take everything in stride.


  3. Nina ji:

    Everything I wanted to say about your new post, Annya said it, honestly. I never in my wildest dream could imagine she had matured so much. You and Suman ji should be proud of her. I am pleasantly surprised,Annya. May Vrishali and you be blessed!


  4. As Gyan ji has rightly mentioned that our kids have stolen our words, and commenting anything after that may sound childish.

    However on higher plains, Lord Krishna has beautifully described about Attachment, Mind, Intelligence and how to obtain the ultimate peace through Sankhya Yoga on chapter 2- from slokas 42 to 44 and 62 to 72 of Bhagwad Gita. It is an answer to all the unstable minds that may be looking for an answer of their plight or mental sufferings and if time tested Vedic principles are not followed then the verses of Gita describes that how the Attachment leads to sorrow and perpetual bondage of material existence.

    Sloka-43- O Partha, those who are foolish reject the real meanings of the Vedas out of Attachment to those ornamental statements which gratify the pursuit of celestial pleasures, but which yield only poisonous effects.

    Slokas 62 to 64- By meditating on the sense objects, one develops Attachment. Attachment gives rise to desire, which in turn leads to anger.

    - Anger gives rise to delusion and from delusion comes loss of memory for getting the instructions of sashtras. Loss of memory destroys intelligence and when the intelligence is destroyed, every thing is lost and one again becomes fallen in the ocean of material existence.

    - A man of controlled senses however who is free from attachment and aversion, attains happiness of mind even while enjoying various objects through his senses.

    Sant Kabir Das has also said:

    “Maya mari na mun mara, mar-mar gaye sarir,
    Asha trishna na mari, kah gaye das kabir”

    The human psychology, behaviour, the wandering of the mind for the desire of material, social, political, economic, and sensual pleasures and its inevitable fallouts were not new to mankind and especially to the people of the Vedic ages. Greed, Attachment, Expectations, Anger and Ego are the main cause of our mental plight. Our scriptures do not say that we all should become Monks and go to the forest, but to enjoy the pleasures and pursuits of life without getting attached with them unlike a bee that is stuck in the honey pot for good and dies. The ultimate peace and mental tranquility is possible if we do our duty (which includes those that are a part of our day to day worldly life) and perform all our actions in a righteous manner (with dharma) but without getting attached to it. Personally I am convinced that even with all modern and technological developments, this is the only way people on this planet can lead a happy and prosperous life. I hope it satisfies and sums up your quest for an answer to your topic.

  5. Nina:
    First thing that came to my mind after reading your blog was the famous song, "love makes the world go round". Love is a very complex emotion hence attachment and expectations vary as well attachment is not always bad. Who can forget Beatle's famous song written by Lennon and McCartney,
    "Love, love, love
    There is nothing you can know that isn't known
    Nothing you can see that isn't shown
    Nowhere you can be that isn't where you are
    meant to be
    It is easy,
    All you need is love"
    While this is popular song denoting romantic love, the sentiments behind the words are profound.
    Then there is mother's love for her newborn. It is unconditional and is essential for the survival of the human race.
    How about brotherly love even for those who are strangers.
    Sant Kabir's saying also underlines the importance of love and wisdon when he says, "Pothi padh padh kar jag mua, Pandit bhaya no koye, Do aaskar Prem ka, Jo padhe so pandit hoye."
    Then there is altruistic love. The religious books are filled with numerous examples of altruistic love.
    Lastly, love is essential for loving devotion to the supreme God. As the bhajan goes, "Ram hi kewal prem pyara, Jaan lao har jaanan wala".
    Is love of a bhakt free of attachment and expectations? Is surender to suprem God without love, if so what kind of love is that?
    Ushi Choudhry
